1. Cambio climático “Tsunami (ultimátum)” el calentamiento global es el causante muchos de los desastres naturales que se han presentado alrededor del mundo a lo largo de los últimos años, incluyendo gigantescos tsunamis. Es posible que aún no sea muy tarde para realizar un cambio. Ya va siendo hora de que empecemos a concienciarnos de gran problema que tenemos encima y que nos afecta a todos. Óleo lienzo 230x200 cm “Tsunami (ultimátum) Global warming is causing many of the natural disasters that have arisen around the world over the past few years, including giant tsunamis. It may not be too late to make a change. It's time to become aware of the big problem that we have and that affects us all. Oil canvas 230x200 cm
3. “Una Infancia Perdida”. Dedicado a millones de niños que han muerto como resultado de guerras comenzadas por adultos. Abandonados a su suerte, se encuentran solos, asustados, perdidos y necesitados. Desgraciadamente la naturaleza humana no deja de de dañar a los mas vulnerables de este mundo. Óleo lienzo 100x120 cm
"Lost Childhood". Dedicated to millions of children who have died as a result of wars started by adults. they find themselves alone, frightened, lost and in need. Unfortunately, human nature does not cease to harm the most vulnerable in this world. Oil canvas 100x120 cm
“Notre-Dame” óleo lienzo 100x120Cm «Notre-Dame” uno de los Iconos más importantes de la Cristiandad que tiene Francia. Está en llamas- adios a siglos de historia. Espero que pronto resurja de sus cenizas con su majestad habitual.
5. “El Beso de Judas” es la historia de un toro de lidia que se crió con un hombre, cuando se hizo adulto lo vendió para la lidia. Estando en plena corrida el toro lo reconoció entre el público y se le acercó, el hombre se despide con un beso. Ahora que cada cual saque su propia conclusión. Óleo lienzo 90x120 Cm “Judas kiss” A young man raised a bull. He was with bull from birth, saw how it matures from a small calf in an adult animal.And then sold to the bullring. During a performance, a gaunt and wounded bull found his friend in a crowd. It recognized him among hundreds of other people and ran to him in search of salvation from painful death. The man kissed the animal and bull was killed. Oil on canvas 90x120 cm
6. "Sweet hope". Inspired by the most beautiful thing in life - birth. Nature has endowed women with the power to have children, unfortunately this is conditioned on the economic situations of each couple. Our economic model decides whether yes or no. oil, sculpture, gold leaf, amber stones. 99x110 cm “Dulce Esperanza”. Inspirado en lo más bonito de la vida- el nacimiento. La naturaleza ha dotado a las mujeres con el poder de tener hijos, desgraciadamente esto está condicionado a las situaciones económicas de cada pareja. Nuestro modelo económico decide si o no. óleo, escultura, pan de oro, piedras de Ámbar. 99x110 cm
8. "Selfie” Este cuadro esta inspirado en Internet y redes sociales, el poder que tienen y la capacidad para ver y controlar tu vida incluso cambiarla, unos veces para mejor y otras para peor. Increíble lo que puede hacer a las personas un simple comentario o un vídeo en malas manos! 100x100 cm óleo lienzo "Selfie" This painting is inspired by the Internet and social networks, the power they have and the ability to see and control your life, even change it, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. Amazing what can make a simple comment or a video in the wrong hands! 100x100cm oil on canvas
9. “Gioconda Madrileña- un caso de violencia de género”. Dedicado a una antigua conocida que por desgracia, la vida se le puso cuesta arriba y acabó con ella. Una Madrileña que vivía cerca de Gran vía y tenía un niño pequeño. Muchas tardes nos cruzábamos y hablábamos de sus problemas y cómo se sentía. Sufría malos tratos y nunca llegó a quejarse. Un día me entero que en una de sus muchas visitas a hospital no salió de él... Por ella y por todas mas mujeres que sufren cualquier tipo de maltrato he creado este cuadro. "Gioconda from Madrid" Its about the case of gender violence. (oil, canvas 70x100). Dedicated to a friend who, unfortunately, life went downhill and ended with her.
10. “La búsqueda de la felicidad” A veces te encuentras en medio de nada, y a veces, en medio de la nada es cuando te encuentras. En esta obra intento describir un momento de la vida que estoy seguro que todos hemos vivido. Es cuando nos sentimos ahogados o desbordados por situaciones. Pero siempre resurgimos con más fuerza para seguir la lucha diaria. Óleo lienzo 70x100cm “Chasing Happiness” Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere is when you find yourself. In this work I try to describe a moment in life that I am sure we have all lived. It is when we feel drowned or overwhelmed by situations. But we always resurface with more force to continue the daily struggle. Oil on canvas 70x100cm
“Explosión de la lavanda”. Siéntate, cierra los ojos y escápate a un lugar feliz. Óleo lienzo 100x120
“Burst of Lavender ” Close your eyes and imagine yourself in different place, wild nature, field full of lavender, rosemary, chamomile. special relaxing smell of grass and the buzz of bees on lavender. oil on canvas 100x120cm
“La vida” - dos cuadros inspirados en el círculo de la vida. Nos hace pensar en la vida de cada uno. Desde nacimiento tenemos subidas y bajadas, como en una escalera. Óleo lienzo 80x120cm
“Life" - two paintings inspired by the circle of life, with it ups and downs, as en staircase. Oil on canvas 80x120cm
13. “Amor omnia vincit” oil on canvas 80x120 cm. When Diana (princess of Wales) died during a car crash in Paris in August 1997, public mood turned against paparazzi and the media. My work pose the question: does the press go too far in its pursuit of the private life of Diana and other public figures? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Relationship With The Media.
Cuando Diana (princesa de Gales) murió durante un accidente automovilístico en París en agosto de 1997, el ánimo público se volvió contra los paparazzi y los medios de comunicación. Mi trabajo plantea la pregunta: ¿la prensa va demasiado lejos en su búsqueda de la vida privada de Diana y otras figuras públicas?
príncipe Enrique, duque de Sussex y Meghan Markle
“La Diosa Venus”. Diosa greco-romana del amor, la belleza, el romance, el deseo y la seducción con una fuerte relación con el mar naciendo de el. Óleo lienzo 70x100 cm
“The birth of Venus” is a woman goddess breaking the chains that bind her, imposed stereotypes and conventions 70x100cm
“El Beso”. A todos nos gustan los besos pero no podemos negar que hay uno que es único y especial, el primer beso o el primer beso que das con amor. “El Beso” (Óleo, lienzo 100x100)
“The first Kiss” oil on canvas 100x100cm. We all like kisses, but we can´t deny that there is one that is unique and special, the first kiss you give with love. 2018
Dedicado a la labor que tienen faros a lo largo de costa, por eso se llama “Esperanza”. Simboliza una lucha por superarse ante cualquier obstáculo, Esperanza es algo que las personas nunca tenemos que perder. Los delfines son símbolo de buena suerte y belleza de la lucha. Óleo, lienzo 100x120
“The Hope “ Dedicated to the work of lighthouses along the coast, that is why it is called "Hope". It symbolizes a struggle to overcome any obstacle, hope is something that people never have to lose. The dolphins are a symbol of good luck and beauty of the fight. 100x120 oil on canvas 2018
17. " Mediterranean force" (oil, canvas 100x120) The name of this painting says it all. Incredible how we have in the Mediterranean quiet spaces in perfect harmony, which is sometimes quiet and other times can become a storm without losing its charm. That makes the Mediterranean a little paradise. I have shaped my feelings & thoughts into this painting that inspires a lot of positive energy
Paseando por las calles de Ronda me sorprendió un ruido que parecía una manada de torros corriendo por la calle. Mi sorpresa fue cuando veo que el ruido salía de una humilde taberna que había en una de las estrechas calles de Ronda. No pude resistir de tentación de entrar en busca de la manada de toros... y descubrí que se habían convertido en una preciosa bailaora de flamenco. Con sus taconeos, giros y saltos hacia temblar toda la taberna, que además estaba envuelta en humo.
Es el punto de vista de la creación. Indica cómo la fuerza del Universo y tiempo nos afecta tanto individual como en pareja y da un lugar al milagro de la vida.
It is the point of view of creation. It indicates how the strength of the Universe and time affects us both individually and as a couple and gives a place to the miracle of life.
26. “Tropical Rain” oil on canvas 80x100 cm summer storm, when the rain melts between the leaves of palm trees and tropical plants giving rise to a variety of colors and lights. All this in the heart of the tropics has given rise to this wonderful work. “Lluvia tropical” Una tormenta de verano, cuando la lluvia se funde entre las hojas de las palmeras y plantas tropicales dando lugar a una diversidad de colores y luces. Todo ello en pleno corazón del trópico ha dado lugar a esta maravillosa obra. óleo lienzo 80x100 cm
27. “Jazz” It’s a creative experiment of combination of different kinds of art: painting and music. I was inspired in rich sounds, rhythms, and colors of jazz. The music that I heard that day gave rise to a hundred new ideas and desires. I was covered by a wave of incredible emotions, which I tried to express in this artwork. Mixed media 50x70 cm “Jazz” - Una obra que nace de la música, en este caso del Jazz, inspirado por sus sonidos y ritmos. Ese día la música que escuché dio lugar a cientos de nuevos colores y emociones increíbles que traté expresar en esta obra. Técnica mixta 50x70 cm.
34. “Abduction of Europa” Europa, in Greek mythology, was a Phoenician princess kidnapped by Zeus, transformed into a bull, who carried her to Crete on his back. “El rapto de Europa” Europa, en la mitología griega, era una princesa fenicia de origen argivo, secuestrada por Zeus, de cuyo nombre deriva el del continente europeo. El mito relata que fue raptada por Zeus transformado en un toro blanco, quien la llevó a Creta sobre sus lomos. 58x50 cm Oil on aluminum, epoxy
35. “The flight of the condor” Fields without limits, bright and varied as a beautiful mosaic. The strange combinations of geometric shapes seem an extraordinary creation from the air. Oil on aluminum, epoxy. 80x100cm ------— “El vuelo del cóndor” Campos sin límites, brillantes y variados como un bonito mosaico. Las extrañas combinaciones de formas geométricas parecen una creación extraordinaria desde aire. Óleo sobre aluminio, epoxy. 80x100cm
38. “2020” - Nuestros Mayores, unos campeones, los que con esfuerzo y dedicación nos pusieron donde ahora estamos. Levantaron este mundo y nos dieron todas las comodidades que ahora disfrutamos... para que ahora los dejemos irse solos sin ni siquiera despedirnos. Óleo lienzo 40x40cm “2020”Our old people are champions, those who with effort and dedication put us where we are now. They raised this world and gave us all the comforts that we now enjoy ... so that now we can let them go alone without even saying goodbye. Oil canvas 40x40cm
44. “Flight over poppy fields” oil on cardboard 50x50 cm. We all flew in a dream when we were children. Remember this delight and absolute happiness? But few of us have retained night flights into adulthood. Why? They say that when a child flies in dreams, he grows up. This artwork is trying to bring us back to our originals, the innocence of our childhood.
57. "Another side of the moon" From time immemorial, people have been attracted to unexplored corners of the Earth and the Universe. The eyes of the researchers went to the solar system and the closest target in it was the Moon, and the most attractive and mysterious place on it was its reverse side, which is always hidden from the earthly observer. Size 70x100 cm Mixed media oil on the wooden panel, crystals, cardboard, beads, epoxy
58. “Ofelia”. This artwork is based on a plot from Shakespeare's play Hamlet. Mixed media oil on the wooden panel, mosaic with crystals, ceramic, beads, epoxy. Size 60x80 cm
59. "School of Flamenco". This is the place where young bailerins learn the art of dance, unsurpassed grace, crazy energy, passionate emotions and beauty. Dancers perform to energetic guitar melodies, castanets and rhythmic clapping. Each of the young dancers dreams of becoming the future Sara Baras. Size 60x90 cm. Mixed media oil on the wooden panel, mosaic with crystals, ceramic, beads, epoxy.
60. "School of Flamenco". Size 70x100 cm. Mixed media oil on the wooden panel, mosaic with crystals, ceramic, beads, epoxy.
64. “Good morning, Manhattan”. Looking down on skyscrapers and the busy streets of New York City. The life of a big city attracts, enchants, hypnotizes. Aerial view on roofs of Manhattan skyscrapers in New York, where rising sun reflects en windows and roofs and shines with golden and blue colors. Original artwork, Size 50x70 cm, framed Mixed media oil on the wooden panel, golden metallic paint, mosaic, epoxy
65. “School of Flamenco". Concentration and preparation before the performance. Oil on canvas 40x50 cm
68. “Birch juice” Size 50x70 cm, framed Mixed media with oil painting on the wooden panel, golden metallic paint, ceramic mosaic, epoxy.
70. “Water&Fire” The struggle of the two elements of water and fire in the universe. Water, fluid and adaptable against unpredictable and furious fire. Size 40x50 cm. Oil on wood,
73. "Out of time" This is an image of a hidden woman, falling asleep against the background of mountains and wild flowers. He flees from reality, hiding in the kingdom of Morpheus, where there is no border between real life and mere fantasy. The eternal conflicts between angels and demons, reality and dreams, recede the moment you fall asleep. Size 50 x 70 cm Mixed media
74. “Night of San Juan” The famous night of San Juan, where jumping bonfires on the seashore becomes a ritual of purification and request for wishes. Coinciding with the summer solstice, on the night of San Juan, the triumph of light over darkness is commemorated. Fire, water and legends, the magic that hides behind the night of San Juan. Size 50x70 cm Mixed media
75. “Landscape with horses. Spain.” Horses are amazing animals. Everything is delightful in them - beauty, charm, nobility, devotion, grace, strength. It was a “plein air” artwork, meaning that I did not create a painting in the studio, but in nature, in its natural light. Size 60x90 cm, oil on wooden panel.
80. "On my way home"
oil on wooden panel, 100x70 cm
81. "tropical Garden Marbella" 77x62 cm oil on wood
82. "Tropical Garden Marbella" oil on canvas 50x40 cm
83. "The Power of Life", size 54x65 cm, oil and mixed media on wood. 2023
84. "Water nymphs" size 60x60, mixed media , oil, ceramics, mdf panel 2023
88. "wake up, Angel. Pharmakeia,
oil on wooden pannel, 50x70cm, 2023
89-90-91 "Heracleion, underwater city in Egypt", 3 artworks,
oil on wood, size 70x90cm.
exhibitted in Florence Biennale 2023